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Thomas De Praetere (thomas.depraetere@dokeos.com)


Professionals working for the Dokeos company
  1. Christine Amory (christine.amory@dokeos.com), Quiz templates, Mr Dokeos sketch style avatar
  2. Frédéric Burlet (frederic.burlet@dokeos.com), FCK Editor customization
  3. Ludwig Chauvin (ludwig.chauvin@dokeos.com), System performance, Reliability improvements
  4. Patrick Cool (patrick.cool@dokeos.com), Interface design, Translation tool, Quiz tool original design + design and development of many other tools
  5. Françoise Desmartin (francoise.desmartin@dokeos.com), Graphical design, Document templates, Mister Dokeos avatars
  6. Noel Dieschburg (noel.dieschburg@dokeos.com), LDAP, CAS, Authentication protocols, Sessions management, Security improvements
  7. Isaac Flores (isaac.flores@dokeos.com), Overall redesign of the software including Chat, Forum, Messages, Social Network, Ergonomics, Ajax design
  8. Ludovic Gasc (ludovic.gasc@dokeos.com), System performance and Reliability, Development Methodology
  9. Arnaud Ligot (arnaud.ligot@dokeos.com), Algorithmics, Videoconferencing, Optimization, Benchmarking, Unitary tests, Quality control
  10. Eric Marguin (eric.marguin@dokeos.com), Search, Reporting, Quiz, Flash developments, Scenario tool design, Templates engine, Mindmaps engine
  11. Geerlie Moestar (geerlie.moestar@dokeos.com), Documentation, Testing
  12. Breetha Mohan (breetha.mohan@dokeos.com), Quiz tool, Exams mode, Debugging, End user interfaces, Documentation, Core engine speed optimization
  13. Claudio Montoya (claudio.montoya@dokeos.com), Messages, Audio recorder, Mediabox, Videoconferencing
  14. Julian Prud'homme (julien.prudhomme@dokeos.com), Authoring tool, Reporting, Quiz, Authoring system, SCORM export
  15. Kevin Vincendeau (kevin.vincendeau@dokeos.com), Design and usability, CSS design


A non-exhaustive list of people who contributed with ideas, code, documentation or any piece of intelligence to the project.
  1. Mustapha Alouani, LDAP authentication
  2. Martine Baurin, Users import concept
  3. Pierre Bayet, Users profiling concept
  4. Jan Bols, Mindmaps, Configuration Settings
  5. Hubert Borderiou, Bugfixing
  6. Olivier Brouckaert, Chat, Installation, Quiz
  7. Oigul Cade, Hotspots tool usability concept
  8. Olivier Cauberghe, Documents, MIndmaps
  9. Franco Cedillo, Tiny bugfixing
  10. Bob Claeys, Podcasting usability
  11. Dominique Cotte, Wiki improvements concept
  12. Cloé Delevaque, Course list and Course catalog concept
  13. Isabel Deprez, Documentation
  14. Jan Derriks, for various bugfixes and suggestions
  15. Alexis Doutriaux, Videoconferencing concept
  16. Evie Embrechts, Announcements, Installation, LDAP, Messages, Users
  17. Diego Escalante Urrelo, Search
  18. Christian Fasanando, Forum, User Image
  19. Annick Filot, Mindmaps integration concept
  20. René Haentjens, Metadata, Dropbox
  21. Rudy Hanson, Interface, CSS
  22. Elie Harfouche, User tool
  23. Koen Heirbaut, Bugfixing
  24. Jhon Hinojosa, Special exports
  25. Sebastien Jacobs, Booking
  26. Michel Jouhanneau, Quiz scoring reliability
  27. Toon Keppens, Blog
  28. An Kesenne, Survey and survey reporting concept
  29. Maxence Maire, Ideas on SCORM LMS import of Serious Games
  30. Michel Margolle, Installation process improvement
  31. Sandra Mathijs, Course navigation menu, Interface, CSS
  32. Marcel Menges, Agenda and Planning concept
  33. Ravin Minocha, Authoring
  34. Bart Mollet, Sortable table, Course copy, Course management, Users and many other tools
  35. Julio Allen Montoya Armas, Messages, Survey, Social Network, User tool
  36. Michel Moreau-Belliard, LDAP
  37. Denes Nagy, Learning Path, Quiz
  38. Emmanuel Nurit, Authoring system design
  39. Noa Orizales Iglesias, Interface, CSS
  40. Alain Paris, User-centered portal concept
  41. Emmanuel Pecquet, Documentation master
  42. Hugues Peeters, Focus on ergonomics, Simplicity, Imitation of Ms-Office, many key concepts of Dokeos
  43. Pierrick Peigné, Authentication security configuration concept
  44. Alexandre Pelissard, Fck Editor
  45. Daniel Enrique Perales Gomez, Bugfixing
  46. Furio Petrossi, Dokeos portable
  47. Sebastien Piraux, Statistics
  48. Arthur Jonathan Portugal, Documentation, Testing
  49. Gaëtan Poupeney, Web services concept
  50. Marie Prat, E-learning, Utiliser les outils du Web 2.0 pour développer un projet, ENI Editions
  51. Marc Pybourdin, Serious Game concept
  52. Juan Carlos Raña Trabado, Wiki, FCKeditor, Mimetex
  53. Eric Remy, Agenda
  54. Pablo Rey, Announcements
  55. Ricardo Rodriguez, Unitary tests
  56. Wolfgang Schneider, Course navigation menu, Interface, CSS
  57. Marie-Rose Schollaert, Widgets- user-centered portal concept
  58. Kris Seynaeve, Widgets- user-centered portal, RSS-feed concept
  59. Priya Siani, Survey
  60. Stefan Spruyt, SCORM-compliance benchmarking
  61. Michel Taillet, Image Zones delineation quiz concept
  62. Sophie Tremauville, Gradebook usability and overall concept
  63. Toon Van Hoecke, Item property, Agenda
  64. Luk Van Landuyt, Blog, Hotspots
  65. Thierry Vivier, Internet Explorer compliance
  66. Sebastian Wagner, Videoconferencing
  67. Ivan Tcholakov, FCKeditor, Internationalisation
  68. Université Jean Monnet de Saint Etienne, LDAP
  69. Vincenzo Valentini, Clinical Cases concept
  70. Kevin Van Den Haute, Blog, Hotspots, Authoring
  71. Bert Vanderkimpen, Ghent University, Documents tool
  72. Kristof Van Steenkiste, Booking
  73. Dietrich Van Damme, Bugfixing
  74. Ans Van der Ven, Mindmapping integration concept
  75. Carlos Vargas, Forum
  76. Ronny Velasquez, Bugfixing
  77. Frederik Vermeire, Announcements
  78. Marco Villegas Vega, Search
  79. Jérôme Warnier, System performance and Reliability improvements
  80. Yannick Warnier, Learning path, Database architecture, Extensions, Search, Quiz and many other tools
  81. Marc Wattel, Oogie rapid Learning concept
  82. Paul Wolstencroft, SCORM import and third party content interoperability


There are too much translators to list them all. Please see http://www.dokeos.com/DLTT/ to see a list of the translators.


Although we try to be as exhaustive as possible it is very likely that we forgot some. Not because your contribution is not valuable. But because we just forgot to write your name down. Help us fix this, writing an email to sales@dokeos.com.
United States  : Dokeos, Faneuil Hall Marketplace Boston, Massachusetts 02109 United States Tel. +1 617-973-5180 Email: support@dokeos.com

Europe : Dokeos, 54/56 avenue Hoche 75008 Paris Tel : +33 (0)1 56 60 54 90 Email : sales.fr@dokeos.com